
5 Reasons Why You’ll Never Feed Your Kids This Again!

Is it worth it?

If you or and your family eat red meat then  you should know that the following seven red flags have been raised. Still, it’s up to you to decide. Is it worth it? 

  1. Beef May Increase Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Researchers and scientists  believe that red meat causes proteins such as  Tau and beta-amyloid to accumulate in the brain. It can either disrupt nerve cells or kill them — and this may be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. 

  1. Beef Can Cause Cardiovascular Disease

When we eat beef, our gut microbes break down a compound known as carnitine, which then produces trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). And TMAO is associated to atherosclerosis, which builds up fat in your arteries which in turn may cause a heart attack.

  1.  Your Risk of Colon Cancer Goes Up With Your Red Meat Consumption

There is evidence that shows that red meat may cause colon cancer in people. Those that consumed high amounts of red and processed meats increased the risk of colorectal cancer.

  1.  High consumption of beef causes Type 2 Diabetes

You are 50% likely to be at risk of developing diabetes if you consume high amounts of red meat every week.

  1. Red meat causes Mad Cow Disease.

Mad Cow Disease can cause variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, which can kill you within fourteen months of diagnosis.